Programs Offered

Programs Offered

Diploma Programmes Offered (3 Years Duration)

Government Aided Courses

Course Intake
Electronics And Communication Engineering 60
Computer Engineering 60
Instrumentation And Control Engineering 60

Self Financing Courses

Course Intake
Electrical and Electronics Engineering 60
Mechanical Engineering 60

Course Pattern

The first year Basic Engineering course is common to all students. The branches will be allotted at the beginning of the first year. Students will continue their study for six semesters as detailed below:

I YEAR: Basic Engineering
Semester Duration
I Semester (Common to all branches) June to November
II Semester (Common to all branches) December to April
Semester Duration
III Semester June to November
IV Semester December to April
Semester Duration
V Semester June to November
VI Semester December to April


Please stay tuned for upcoming notifications regarding admissions and other announcements.